Friday, December 30, 2005

Repetition + Procrastination = The 31st

Sometimes I highly dislike computers. They don't understand what you want the first time, so you just have to repeat it over and over and over. I'm not a repetitive girl..if I do repeat I end up throwing a fit (after a few times of repeating). Repetition just deserves to ......ooh wait that's a great idea for my story! Actually that doesn't make much sense.

Anyway, so I'm done ranting about repetition. And now I'm off to: Procrastination. What is procrastination? Well the REAL question is "Who DOESN'T procrastinate?" I've yet to meet a person who has not procrastinated in someway...of course I don't know that many peope. First question: Procrastination is when you take something that NEEDS to be done, and you do it just keep on living your wants. Eventually you get down to the last minute of actually being able to do it..and you stress yourself out.
I've done that this vacation. Our spanish teacher, decided to be "nice" and give us..a five page story to read (in spanish no doubt) Over vacation. No leo español mucho y No comprendo que mucho palabras en español. No escribe en español bueno, dijas que eso. Plus I always forget the 'que's..I have no idea where they are supposed to go, it took me a loong ass time to figure out grammar in ENGLISH. and I'm STILL not good at English grammar! How am I supposed to be good in Spanish grammar?!
Well..I do have tutors, but how does that help? I need to recreate my brain so I have a language cabinent..the one that has a knack for languages, like Aleicia's brain has for instance.

Ahhh....I won't be able to do this five page story over the weekend. Why?? I get to see my friend ALLI!!!!! AHH! After a YEAR, a YEAR of her being in TEXAS..Iget to FINALLY visit her. Not in Texas (my mom would blow a lid) but at her mom's house. Of course, her mom is really ignorant...puts everything that SHE wants first. I mean..the plan was that I would go over on the 27th, 28th..and stay until the first. Then it changed to the 30th...and now because they HAVE to clean, the 31st. I'm getting there at 9 am though.


Blogger AntoineWB said...

Oh I see i see...what was the question again?

7:51 AM  

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